Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Resurrection- Season 1, Episode 3

Season 1 Episode 3
~Two Rivers~

In this episode, we get to see more of Caleb Richards; the second man of the dead who has come back to life. He seems to be very protective of his daughter, appears to be a stereotypical father… but he also seems to hold something mysterious/ dark inside him. He is well aware of the return of Jacob Langston, and knows that his presence has disturbed the community a lot. However he remains closed and conservative, adding to a sense of dark mystery.

Agent Marty is informed of the appearance of Caleb, and he has taken on the investigation of yet another “return from the dead” mystery. Agent Marty also picks up the fact that Caleb is not a friendly character, and gets a feel that there is more to Caleb than what he reveals on the surface. Further into the episode, we see more of Caleb Richards’s arrogant behaviour, when he kills Mr. Getheard ruthlessly with a hammer at his home.

Maggie and Martin, discussing several possible theories for the new case, have found a clue as to how the river is a recurring motive in every death. Jacob drowned in the river, Caleb Richards’s ashes were washed in the river; therefore, it may be the river that has some powers to bring back the dead. This was their theory.

Meanwhile in the families of the returned; Jacob’s father is struggling to let go of his son who dies 32 years ago, and accept the son who has returned, and in Richards family, Ray Richards doesn’t his accept Caleb as his father, instead he sees him as a strange man who appears identical to his father.  

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